Open Education

What is open education?

Open Education encompasses resources, tools, and practices that are free of legal, financial, and technical barriers and can be fully used, shared, and adapted in the digital environment. Open Education maximizes the power of the Internet to make education more affordable, accessible, and effective.

Source: Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition


Note: Virtually all of the content listed by the resources below is free to access, but not all of it is published under a completely open license. This may limit your right to reshare, copy, or modify the content. Check with the publisher if you are unsure.

ABA Open Educational Resources SIG

The OER SIG is a membership group within the Association for Behavior Analysis International whose purpose is to promote the specific interests of its members.Their volunteer-led community seeks to promote educational affordability by promoting the use of Open Access and Openly licensed resources (i.e., Open Educational Resources).

FoxyLearning OER

FoxyLearning provides free and open access to a variety of tutorials, videos, and flashcards focused on behavior analysis and contextual behavioral science.

Free RBT Training

Autism Partnership Foundation is now offering a FREE 40 hour Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) training – for anyone – FOREVER. This 40-hour training is based on the 2nd edition task list and meets the requirements outlined by the BACB for individuals seeking their RBT certification. Your certificate indicating you have completed your 40 hours of training will be sent upon completion.


Noba is a free online platform that provides high-quality, flexibly structured psychology textbooks and educational materials. These textbooks and materials are licensed under a Creative Commons license.

OER Commons

OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.

OER in Higher Ed: ‘Huge Awareness-Raising Effort Needed’

Open textbook projects are gaining momentum, says Creative Commons’ Cable Green, but there is still work to be done.

Open Course Library

A collection of high quality, free-to-use courses that you can download and use for teaching. All content is stored in Google docs making it easy to access, browse and download.

Open Educational Resources in Behavior Analysis

An article from Behavior Analysis in Practice that used an OER aggregating metafinder to review what OERs are available on topics related to behavior analysis and whether sufficient resources exist to serve as primary course materials.

Open Stats Lab

Teach statistics using open data from Psychological Science. Each OSL lab is comprised of three elements: an activity, a data set, and a published article. The activities guide students through the reproduction of the results published in the journal Psychological Science. Activities also focus on different aspects of data analyses, such as computing new variables.

OpenStax College Free and Open Psychology Textbook

This open textbook is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. It incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

School of Open

School of Open is a global community of volunteers providing free online courses, face-to-face workshops, and innovative training programs on the meaning, application, and impact of “openness” in the digital age. Learn how to add a Creative Commons license to your work, find free resources for classroom use, open up your research, remix a music video, and more!

SPARC Open Education

Open education section of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) website. It includes Connect OER, a platform to share and discover information about OER activities at campuses across North America.

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