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Center for Open ScienceThe Center for Open Science is a non-profit technology organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia with a mission to “increase the openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research.” | |
Open Data CommonsOpen Data Commons is the home of a set of legal tools and licenses to help you publish, provide and use open data. | |
Open Knowledge FoundationThe Open Knowledge Foundation’s mission is to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, free for everyone to use, build on and share; and creators and innovators are fairly recognized and rewarded. | |
Open Stats LabTeach statistics using open data from Psychological Science. Each OSL lab is comprised of three elements: an activity, a data set, and a published article. The activities guide students through the reproduction of the results published in the journal Psychological Science. Activities also focus on different aspects of data analyses, such as computing new variables. | |
Paywall: The Business of ScholarshipA documentary focusing on the need for open access to research and science. The film questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers, examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher, Elsevier, and looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies such as Apple, Facebook, and Google. | |
School of OpenSchool of Open is a global community of volunteers providing free online courses, face-to-face workshops, and innovative training programs on the meaning, application, and impact of “openness” in the digital age. Learn how to add a Creative Commons license to your work, find free resources for classroom use, open up your research, remix a music video, and more! | |
SPARC Open DataOpen data section of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) website. It includes a helpful Open Data Factsheet and a US Federal Data Sharing Resource. |